“Nobody, I guess, could fail to be intrigued by the work of someone whose recent endeavours have involved raising silkworms, washing a teddy bear with carbolic soap, and hearing from Oxford folk about a horse-loving lady on Port Meadow know as Paraffin Ann (or possibly Paraffin Liz).” Oxford Times
Felicity Ford is an artist who works with wool and sounds. The obsession in combining these materials began in 2007 when she knitted a sound system and played the sounds of making my dinner through it. The speaker system was made of 32 miniature speakers, soldered together by Felicity, and individually covered in knitting. She says "From the moment I cast off, pressed play, and pushed a soft speaker playing sizzling onions to my ears, I knew I was on to something."
Felicity is interested in everyday things, women’s history and labour, and the home as a specific site of meaning. She explores these obsessions through recording, podcasting, hand-knitting, radio-making, dyeing, spinning, and writing. You can get the gist of what her work is about by listening to her podcast over at KNITSONIK.COM or by reading her blog at THEDOMESTICSOUNDSCAPE.COM.